Flash Catalyst CS5.5 is a design program for creating interactive contents. It lets you transform your Photoshop, Illustrator or Fireworks files into interactive projects without writing any code at all, getting the results you could obtain by working with Flash, and allowing you to share your projects with other developers that use different tools like Flash Builder.
Due to this integration capabilities, you won’t need to redo your previous work. You only need to use the program you are working comfortably with and bring your work to Catalyst to add all the interactivity you desire, achieving the results you want with the complete preservation of the original design.
You will not need any code-writing knowledge or abilities to work with the program or to understand the underlying code and its logic; you will define behaviors and controls with menu-based commands, fulfilling your design standards and giving your work the consistency of Flash.
You also count with a library containing common objects and elements, such as buttons, scroll bars, holders for images, swf’s, video, maps, avatars, etc. These elements make the initial approach to this program more friendly helping you to understand how things work.
Once you have the appearance you want according to your design, you can publish it to a SWF or to make an AIR application.